Presence of Saveh University of Medical Sciences at the "24th Iranian Conference on Health Professions Education"

08 May 2023 | 09:22 Code : 3179 Events
The "24th Iranian Conference on Health Professions Education" and the "5th Festival of Educational Innovative Ideas" were held at the Razi conference hall of Iran University of Medical Sciences from May 3 to 5, 2023.
Presence of Saveh University of Medical Sciences at the "24th Iranian Conference on Health Professions Education"

On the third day of May 2023, the president of Saveh Faculty of Medical Sciences and the officials attended the "24th Iranian Conference on Health Professions Education" and the "5th Festival of Educational Innovative Ideas" held at the Razi conference hall of Iran University of Medical Sciences.

At this conference, the president of the Saveh Faculty of Medical Sciences along with the vice president of education, research, and student culture, the director of the medical education development study center, the head of the education development student committee, the officials of the justice and excellence comprehensive program working groups, a group of students who are members of the education development student committee and the research committee who presented and visited the educational achievements of the 6th Logistics region and other universities.
It should be noted that at the end of the conference, the 6th Logistics region's pavilion was chosen as the best pavilion.




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