

The course of anesthesia is one of the higher education courses and aims at educating the efficient human resources so that every one or two of them can serve as an assistant to an anesthetist under his supervision in one part of the operating room. Anesthesiology is a field of medical science whose graduates find the following capabilities by relying on clinical education and basic medical sciences:

Diagnosis, treatment, and management of patients against certain processes that are annoying and life-threatening patients before anesthesia, regional or local anesthesia, inhibition of pain and relaxation and anesthesia in the patient during surgery, midwifery and diagnostic treatments, Monitoring and maintaining the physiological balance of patients before, during and after the operation. Providing comfortable, safe, and satisfactory conditions for patients with or without anesthesia undergoing diagnostic or therapeutic procedures, special care, and vital supportive care for critical patients. And yet, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and inhibition of acute and chronic pain in related educational areas.